Hikosan Autumn hike 🍁🍂 英彦山(中岳)・英彦山(南岳)

2023.10.28(土) 日帰り

Today I went on a hike at Hikosan with my wife and some of her work colleagues. I had given up on getting the Hikosan towel for completing the Harumine trail because the number available was limited. However when we reached the shrine we found that they have received more stock so I was able to get one! The main shrine at Nakadake is currently under repairs and the main trail up to it is currently closed on most days. Today though was an open day and the route was open to hikers apart from the shrine on the peak. So luckily we could enjoy the wonderful Autumn colours 🍁! We ate lunch on Naka-dake and then continued to Minami-dake and started our descent from there. We visited the wonderful sights along the way Ominami shrine, Tamaya shrine and the wonderful old cedar tree. When we reached Hikosan shrine our feet hurt and ached with every step down. I am looking forward to more beautiful Autumn hikes this year!

Hikosan shrine

Hikosan shrine

Hikosan shrine

I got the Hikosan towel!

I got the Hikosan towel!

I got the Hikosan towel!

Great Autumnal colours!

Great Autumnal colours!

Great Autumnal colours!







Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI




Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI

Ominami Shrine

Ominami Shrine

Ominami Shrine

Onisugi ancient cedar tree

Onisugi ancient cedar tree

Onisugi ancient cedar tree

Tamaya Shrine

Tamaya Shrine

Tamaya Shrine

Hikosan shrine

I got the Hikosan towel!

Great Autumnal colours!



Google pixel AI

Google pixel AI


Google pixel AI

Ominami Shrine

Onisugi ancient cedar tree

Tamaya Shrine


別所登山口-奉幣殿-英彦山 周回コース

  • 05:20
  • 7.9 km
  • 968 m
  • コース定数 22