YAMAP / ダマップ

Hikosan Autumn hike 🍁🍂 英圊山䞭岳・英圊山南岳の写真

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ID: 1063561

I come from England but now live in Fukuoka and love hiking! I sometimes hike with my two daughters but more often alone. I like to explore new places, no mountain is not worth the effort! Exploring, hiking, running are important to me. Feel free to get in contact if you want hike together or want any advice on how to reach some of these mountains by rail and bus! Instagram: jaykyushuhiking https://www.instagram.com/jaykyushuhiking I started using Yamap December 2019 and in my first year I reached 171 mountains peaks, hiked 1190km in distance and climbed up 78,500 meters in Elevation gain. Before Yamap I used to just go to a mountain and walk around until I found a way up, exploring was fun but also stressful. Check out my old blog at https://www.kyushuhiking.com Let's hike together!


8.8 km
970 m

Hikosan Autumn hike 🍁🍂 英圊山䞭岳・英圊山南岳


2023.10.28 (土)日垰り


Today I went on a hike at Hikosan with my wife and some of her work colleagues. I had given up on getting the Hikosan towel for completing the Harumine trail because the number available was limited. However when we reached the shrine we found that they have received more stock so I was able to get one! The main shrine at Nakadake is currently under repairs and the main trail up to it is currently closed on most days. Today though was an open day and the route was open to hikers apart from the shrine on the peak. So luckily we could enjoy the wonderful Autumn colours 🍁! We ate lunch on Naka-dake and then continued to Minami-dake and started our descent from there. We visited the wonderful sights along the way Ominami shrine, Tamaya shrine and the wonderful old cedar tree. When we reached Hikosan shrine our feet hurt and ached with every step down. I am looking forward to more beautiful Autumn hikes this year!