Tanigawadake 熊穴沢ノ頭・谷川岳(トマの耳)・谷川岳(オキノ耳)

2023.07.08(土) 日帰り

We took the night bus from here 👉https://www.maitabi.jp/parts/detail.php?course_no=13723
📍②新宿都庁→谷川岳RW駅前、②谷川岳RW駅→新宿西口 Arrived at the rope way at 5am and after waiting at the rope way for couple for hours took the first rope car at 7.00AM and started our hike from the Tenjindaira ski resort. Returned back to Shinjuku using the same bus on the same day.



  • 04:40
  • 6.4 km
  • 891 m
  • コース定数 19
