Family hike up Fukuchiyama 福智山

2023.10.14(土) 日帰り


4 時間 40
1 時間 11
6.6 km
のぼり / くだり
822 / 819 m
1 56
1 54



Today my family and I went for a hike up Fukuchiyama. The goal is to complete the Hikosan Akimine badge so Fukuchiyama counts as one point. We parked up at the car park at the bottom of the mountain and hiked up the main route. My daughter complained a lot at the start but eventually settled into the rhythm of hiking. I recently got a new phone (Goolgle pixel 8 pro) sovI was eager to test it out. The Macro mode worked well and it has a better zoom range than my old phone. We expected it to be very cloudy but luckily it was sunny and bright by the time we reached the top. We stopped at the top for cup noodles for lunch. (Hot food is fun again now the temperature has dropped!). We hiked down the same route and we and my daughter went off to see the waterfall. After hiking we went to a nearby onsen for a hot bath.
