強風と雲海の羊蹄山🤩(京極ルート&一周) Yoteizan: Kyogoku route & around the crater

2021.05.01(土) 日帰り

朝はかなり曇ってたが予報上晴れる予定でしたので風が多少多くても挑戦しに行った。💪 強風の影響で駐車場に他一台だけで、その方はBCスキーヤーでした。(途中からスノーシューの後を発見してありがたく、そして心強くそして追って行った↗️↗️ 登りの途中で雲の中を通り、周りが真っ白になったがそれを抜いてからの青空と雲海は半端なく気持ち良かった!😊😊 一方その分風が強くて寒くて全身防風に着替えて登り続けた。その辺りからBCスキーヤーもチラッと上で見えて、追い続けたがキャッチアップできず最後の方になったら横サーと完璧なフォームで滑り降りた。⛷ サーこっから一人勝負だ!と思ったら意外と最後の数百メーターを無事に行けて、火口がザーッと見えた瞬間は世界一の気持ち良さを感じて「頑張って良かった」と自分まで褒めちゃった。🤩🤩🥳 この綺麗さを全アングルで眺めるためクレーターを一周し、目の前に固まってた羽形の雪(又は龍の鱗?)もたっぷり楽しめた😍 下山は気になってたが急斜面の部分ではチェーンスパイクのグリップが良く、途中から雪が柔らかくなる箇所から気持ち良く走り出した。(イメージはムーンジャンプ的に)🌕🏃‍♂️💨 下りは1時間未満で無事に下山しら!登りは3.5時間も掛かったのにw サー温泉入って空港に行かなきゃ✈️ 北海道の山、又ね!👋😘 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Forecast showed a cloudy morning and some strong wind for most of the day, yet I decided to give it a go. One other car in the parking... this might a lone ascent but there might be someone else on this big mountain! Lower half is cloudy and not too windy. The snow is heavy and chain spikes have a hard time gripping on it. The middle part is spent crossing the cloud layer. All white and the wind is picking up. Then comes the upper section! Radian sun, blasting chilly wind and some hard snow chiseled by the wind into feathery shapes. Or could it be dragon scales? I find a fresh trace of snowshoes, which turns out to be a backcountry skier and the only other soul on this side of the mountain. After catch a few glimpse of him way above me, the next time I see him is when he glides back down gracefully on the steep and icy slopes. While blocking thoughts of giving up,slipping or falling, I continue my journey up as I have only 2-300m left out of the 1500m ascent. Up up up... until I reach the crown of the crater... and gosh WHAT A SIGHT!!! What a breathtaking view!! What an unbelievable marvel! In an instant all the efforts so far had become worthwhile. To appreciate it further I decide to follow the crown’s crest around the crater (3.5km), going up and down while admiring the view through all available angles. And then comes the time for the dreaded descent. Surprisingly on the top part (steeper) the spikes’ grip was good enough to descent without issue. Further down the snow became softer, and a bit more slippery, but by then the slope was gentle enough to start running downhill in moon-like jumpy form. In the end the descent took less than an hour (with breaks) when the ascent had taken 3.5h!


京極登山口-羊蹄山 往復コース

  • 07:54
  • 9.3 km
  • 1502 m
  • コース定数 32