
荷ヶ岳(冷川岳) ・御池岳の写真



ID: 2580977

私はブラジル人で、2018 年から登山を始めました。 山の記録はインスタグラムに載せています https://www.instagram.com/taznamontanha をチェックしてください ✔️鈴鹿7マウンテン ✔️鈴鹿10座 ✔️奥三河8峰 はもう完走しました⛰


15.0 km
1393 m

荷ヶ岳(冷川岳) ・御池岳


2023.01.21 (土)日帰り

Finally a trail after 1 weekend in home resting. Hije trail went with friends again, big group. The intention was to go to the Suzukidake but it didn't work. This trail is very long and with the snow it ends up being very tiring. The important thing is that we arrived at the top of the Oikedake, and it was a very good achievement. Even a good part of the trail was good, we only used the spike in the middle of the way when the snow became more evident. The path was easy to follow because other people passed in front of us. Anyway, it was a great day, with friends. I intend to go back to Oike only in the summer, because the first time I went it was raining and I was bitten by several leeches, that was last summer, and the second time there was a lot of snow and we had to dig up the sign.