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A dry Kyushu Olle Izumi Course の写真

2021.04.01(木) 11:59




13.8 km

432 m

A dry Kyushu Olle Izumi Course

九州オルレ・出水コース (鹿児島)

2021.04.01(木) 日帰り

Last Thursday, the first day of my short solo trip in the Southern part of Kyushu I left Arita early in the morning to get to Izumi City in Kagoshima to be on time for the bus to take me to the start of the Kyushu Olle Izumi Course. The weather was nice! The course starts at Itsukushima Shrine and ends at the Izumi Fumoto Historical Museum which is located in the historical preservation area of the town. This area is one of the biggest remaining districts of former samurai residences. At this moment two of these are owned by the town and are open to the public. I visited them after the walk. I also visited the Hachimangu shrine before I moved to Kirishima for the next day.