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Kirishima hiking, hiking Shiratoriyama and the volcanic lakes 白鳥山の写真

2021.03.27(土) 11:30




8.3 km

373 m

Kirishima hiking, hiking Shiratoriyama and the volcanic lakes 白鳥山

霧島山・韓国岳・高千穂峰・夷守岳・烏帽子岳 (宮崎, 鹿児島)

2021.03.27(土) 日帰り

For a spring trip we went to Kirishima and the Ebino plateau for hiking and cabin camping. The weather has been scary all week with the threat of rain but in the end the weather on Saturday was perfect for outdoors activities! This is an easy hike which takes you around the volcanic lakes with great views and beautiful forests. The views of Karakunidake are great and it is a very peaceful walk. Of course we plenty of deer which are relaxed and not very scared of hikers so you can get quite close before they run away. After hiking we visited some areas around Ebino including an ice cream shop Daiwa farm before heading to Hinanomori campsite to make a camp fire and relax.