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進撃の皇海山👊1泊2日クラシックルートアタック⛩⛓😱⛰🥵😎🚗🙏♨️☺️ Sukaisan adventure!の写真

2022.08.16(火) 07:13




31.5 km

2586 m

進撃の皇海山👊1泊2日クラシックルートアタック⛩⛓😱⛰🥵😎🚗🙏♨️☺️ Sukaisan adventure!

皇海山・袈裟丸山・庚申山 (栃木, 群馬)

2022.08.15(月) 2 DAYS

(登山中3つの忘物をピックアップしました。日記の最後に内容を記載してます) 上高地の天気が急に悪くなり、火曜日までのステイを日曜日にカットし、次どこ行こうかなーと天気予報見ながら考えていたら皇海山以外ほとんどの山は悪天候😅😅 じゃあ、皇海山行くかと月曜日の昼決めた時、まさか交通手段で4時間+6kmのロードアプローチで結果無人小屋に着いたらもう20時だった🥲 お邪魔しないために外で夕食食べ、誰もいなかった2階にこっそり布団をセットし眠りました。(実際真っ暗の1.5時間の登りハイクでアドレナリンが出過ぎて中々寝れなかった🥲) 予定だった5時スタートが結局5:15起き、6:20スタートになってしまった😅 中々キツイノコギリ尾根ルートをガンガン登り(&降り…)、4時間弱で頂上まで行けた!😎✌️ 帰り道は長かった!アップダウンもあるし、ササが立派に伸びすぎて色んなところで登山道そして自分の足が見えなくなってた😳🤬 長〜い下りに結構頑張ったが15:18のバスにギリギリ間に合わなさそうとなり、最後6キロの下り中に人生初のヒッチハイクをやってみた!👍 まさか一発目の車で日光ローカルのすずさんがピックアップしてくれて、近場のバス停ではなく折角だから帰り道の「やしおの湯」温泉まで送ってくれた!何て素敵なお方!本当感謝します🙏🙏 温泉でサウナと水風呂と露天風呂の繰り返しでリラックスし、野菜たっぷりの天丼大盛りを食べました!あああなんと幸せ〜☺️😋 忘れ物ピックアップ: ・モンベルのレインジャケット🧥 ・クマベル🛎 ・黒いキャップ🧢 (オーナー発見&返却済!🥳) 持主の方々、お気軽にコメントまたはメッセージください! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Day 1: Toojimo bus stop to Koshin hut (unmanned) Definitely more elevation than I expected, especially just after 2 days in Kita Alps. 7km of road from bus stop 2.5km of large forestry road 2.5km of single track going uphill (+500m!) Felt surprisingly uneasy hiking at night. I feel like I used to be able to do it with less mental toll. Maybe it’s knowing the risks better. Or maybe it’s going uphill into a completely unknown mountain (vs coming down in Takao or Oyama). Or maybe I have a sixth sense and could feel that a bear was potentially nearby (2 people sighted one the next day on that section…). Anyway it’s hard to find sleep after so much adrenaline pumping. Thank god the hut second floor was completely empty and perfect to chill. Maybe 3-4 more hikers were using the downstairs and were asleep when I arrived at 8pm. Day 2: Koshin hut to summit to Kajika trail head (classic route) What a tough mountain to chew. Right out of the hut there’s a steep section with ladders all the way up Mt Koshin. Very cool rock formations, cliffs and boulders along the way. Then starts the endless seesaw ridge all the way to Nokogiriyama. A few more ladders and some chain sections on top of that. I couldn’t take a picture of the long chain section going up Nokogiriyama as I literally had to sprint/climb up to avoid an aggressive horsefly. One more downhill and a big uphill (300m but feeling much longer at that point lol) to piston to Sukaisan summit. Then back down and up again back to Nokogiriyama. Then starts the second part of that Classic route. A lovely ridge that would be quite runnable if not overgrown with sasa bamboos. Couldn’t see my feet and the trails for large chunks of it. Then a loooooong downhill sideway traverse back to the hut which is partly runnable but often very narrow beside the steep mountainside, or just full of Sasa again. I picked up my large hiking bag at the hut, repacked and ate a few things. In the end that 35min break was too long for me to catch the 15:18 bus. I made a strong push but my hamstrings started showing pre-signs of cramping and were definitely not on board with a continuous 12K downhill run with a large bag. I did the best I could thinking I could maybe hitchhike the last 6km of road and barely make it to the bus. Lucky me I got picked up by the first car coming downhill, a very nice hiker lady from Nikko who ended up giving me a lift all the way to Yashio onsen (45min drive!) as it was on her way back too. Onsen was the absolute best with a sauna, a cold bath, an exterior bath and a restaurant serving delicious tendon (fried shrimp rice bowl).